

Sarasvati Stotram

by sage Agastya


श्री सरस्वती स्तोत्रं


या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता

या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना ।

या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवः सदा पूजिता

सा मां पातु सरस्वति भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥१॥


दोर्भिर्युक्ता चतुर्भिं स्फटिकमणिनिभैरक्षमालान्दधाना

हस्तेनैकेन पद्मं सितमपि च शुकं पुस्तकं चापेरण ।

भासा कुन्देन्दुशङ्खस्फटिकमणिनिभा भासमानाऽसमाना

सा मे वाग्देवतेयं निवसतु वदने सर्वदा सुप्रसन्ना ॥२॥



करे विराजत्कमनीयपुस्तका ।

विरिञ्चिपत्नी कमलासनस्थिता

सरस्वती नृत्यतु वाचि मे सदा ॥३॥


सरस्वती सरसिजकेसरप्रभा

तपस्विनी सितकमलासनप्रिया ।

घनस्तनी कमलविलोललोचना

मनस्विनी भवतु वरप्रसादिनी ॥४॥


सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।

विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥५॥


सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वदेवि नमो नमः ।

शान्तरूपे शशिधरे सर्वयोगे नमो नमः ॥६॥


नित्यानन्दे निराधारे निष्कलायै नमो नमः ।

विद्याधरे विशालाक्षि शूद्धज्ञाने नमो नमः ॥७॥


शुद्धस्फटिकरूपायै सूक्ष्मरूपे नमो नमः ।

शब्दब्रह्मि चतुर्हस्ते सर्वसिद्ध्यै नमो नमः ॥८॥


मुक्तालङ्कृतसर्वाङ्ग्यै मूलाधारे नमो नमः ।

मूलमन्त्रस्वरूपायै मूलशक्त्यै नमो नमः ॥९॥


मनो मणिमहायोगे वागीश्वरि नमो नमः ।

वाग्भ्यै वरदहस्तायै वरदायै नमो नमः ॥१०॥


वेदायै वेदरूपायै वेदान्तायै नमो नमः ।

गुणदोषविवर्जिन्यै गुणदीप्त्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥


सर्वज्ञाने सदानन्दे सर्वरूपे नमो नमः ।

सम्पन्नायै कुमार्यै च सर्वज्ञे नमो नमः ॥१२॥


योगानार्य उमादेव्यै योगानन्दे नमो नमः ।

दिव्यज्ञान त्रिनेत्रायै दिव्यमूर्त्यै नमो नमः ॥१३॥


अर्धचन्द्रजटाधारि चन्द्रबिम्बे नमो नमः ।

चन्द्रादित्यजटाधारि चन्द्रबिम्बे नमो नमः ॥१४॥


अणुरूपे महारूपे विश्वरूपे नमो नमः ।

अणिमाद्यष्टसिद्ध्यायै आनन्दायै नमो नमः ॥१५॥


ज्ञानविज्ञानरूपायै ज्ञानमूर्ते नमो नमः ।

नानाशास्त्रस्वरूपायै नानारूपे नमो नमः ॥१६॥


पद्मदा पद्मवंशा च पद्मरूपे नमो नमः ।

परमेष्ठ्यै परामूर्त्यै नमस्ते पापनाशिनि ॥१७॥


महादेव्यै महाकाल्यै महालक्ष्म्यै नमो नमः ।

ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवायै च ब्रह्मनार्यै नमो नमः ॥१८॥


कमलाकरपुष्पा च कामरूपे नमो नमः ।

कपालि कर्मदीप्तायै कर्मदायै नमो नमः ॥१९॥


सायं प्रातः पठेन्नित्यं षण्मासात् सिद्धिरुच्यते ।

चोरव्याघ्रभयं नास्ति पठतां शृण्वतामपि ॥२०॥


इत्थं सरस्वतीस्तोत्रम् अगस्त्यमुनिवाचकम् ।

सर्वसिद्धिकरं नॄणां सर्वपापप्रणाशणम् ॥२१॥


इति श्री अगस्त्यमुनिप्रोक्तं सरस्वतीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥


śrī sarasvatī stotraṃ


yā kundendutuṣārahāradhavalā yā śubhravastrāvṛtā

yā vīṇāvaradaṇḍamaṇḍitakarā yā śvetapadmāsanā |

yā brahmācyutaśaṃkaraprabhṛtibhirdevaḥ sadā pūjitā

sā māṃ pātu sarasvati bhagavatī niḥśeṣajāḍyāpahā ||1||


Salutation to Devi Sarasvati who is whiter than the jasmine flower, the moon and the snow and shining like a garland of pearls, wearing a pure white garments, whose hands are adorned with the Veena (musical instrument) gifts and goad (daṇḍa), and who is sitting on a white lotus.

Who is always adored by Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar and other Devas, Oh goddess Sarasvati, please protect me and remove my ignorance.



dorbhiryuktā caturbhiṃ sphaṭikamaṇinibhairakṣamālāndadhānā

hastenaikena padmaṃ sitamapi ca śukaṃ pustakaṃ cāperaṇa |

bhāsā kundenduśaṅkhasphaṭikamaṇinibhā bhāsamānā'samānā

sā me vāgdevateyaṃ nivasatu vadane sarvadā suprasannā ||2||


Salutations to Devi Sarasvati Who has Four Hands;

She holds a rosary of crystal beads with one hand and a white lotus with the other hand, and with the other two hands she holds a parrot and a book.

Who is full of splendor like the jasmine flower, moon, conch and crystal, her shining form is beautifully gracious.

May She who is Vāgdevatā (Goddess of Speech) always reside in my tongue and bless me.




kare virājatkamanīyapustakā |

viriñcipatnī kamalāsanasthitā

sarasvatī nṛtyatu vāci me sadā ||3||


Salutations to the Devi whose lotus feet is served by the Devas and Asuras,

Who on her hand shines a beautiful book,

Who is the consort of Lord Brahma and abides on a lotus seat.

May Devi Sarasvati always dance on my speech.



sarasvatī sarasijakesaraprabhā

tapasvinī sitakamalāsanapriyā |

ghanastanī kamalavilolalocanā

manasvinī bhavatu varaprasādinī ||4||


Salutations to Devi Sarasvati, Who has the Splendor of a Lotus Flower;

Who is penance keeper (Tapaswini); who is the dear one of He who sits on white lotus (Brahmā).

Whose breasts are full and whose eyes are filled with great serenity, and are like the lotus petals.

Who is the Embodiment of Wisdom (Manaswini). Oh Devi, become my giver of boons.



sarasvati namastubhyaṃ varade kāmarūpiṇi |

vidyārambhaṃ kariṣyāmi siddhirbhavatu me sadā ||5||


Salutations to Devi Sarasvati, who grants blessings and is the fulfiller of wishes.

Oh Devi, when I begin my studies, please bestows always on me the capacity of right understanding.



sarasvati namastubhyaṃ sarvadevi namo namaḥ |

śāntarūpe śaśidhare sarvayoge namo namaḥ ||6||


Salutations to Devi Sarasvati, who is the embodiment of all Goddesses; Salutations, salutations to Her.

Who is embodiment of peace, who wears the moon and who is the embodiment of all yogas; Salutations, salutations to Her.



nityānande nirādhāre niṣkalāyai namo namaḥ |

vidyādhare viśālākṣi śūddhajñāne namo namaḥ ||7||


Salutations to Her. Who is eternal bliss, who is without any support, and without any division;

Who is the basis of education, who has large eyes, and who is the embodiment of pure knowledge; Salutations, salutations to Her. 



śuddhasphaṭikarūpāyai sūkṣmarūpe namo namaḥ |

śabdabrahmi caturhaste sarvasiddhyai namo namaḥ ||8||


Salutations to Her, who is pure like a crystal and whose nature is extremely subtle;

Who is the embodiment of Sabda Brahman (the Brahman as sound), who has four hands and who is the embodiment of all siddhis (spiritual powers); Salutations, salutations to Her.



muktālaṅkṛtasarvāṅgyai mūlādhāre namo namaḥ |

mūlamantrasvarūpāyai mūlaśaktyai namo namaḥ ||9||


Salutations to Her, whose whole body is decorated with ornaments of white pearls, and who is the basis supporting the whole existence;

Who is the basis of all mantras and who is the basis of all Shaktis (Powers); Salutations, salutations to Her.



mano maṇimahāyoge vāgīśvari namo namaḥ |

vāgbhyai varadahastāyai varadāyai namo namaḥ ||10||


Salutations to Her, who is like a jewel shining within the mind as the great Yoga, and who is the Goddess of the Speech;

Who is the source from where speech originates, who holds a hand in blessing and who is the giver of boons; Salutations, salutations to Her.



vedāyai vedarūpāyai vedāntāyai namo namaḥ |

guṇadoṣavivarjinyai guṇadīptyai namo namaḥ ||11||


Salutations to Her, who is Veda herself, whose form represents the Vedas, and whose essence is the Vedanta;

Whose transcendental essence is beyond virtues and vices, yet whose form shines with all virtues; Salutations, salutations to Her.



sarvajñāne sadānande sarvarūpe namo namaḥ |

sampannāyai kumāryai ca sarvajñe namo namaḥ ||12||


Salutations to Her, who is the essence of all knowledge, who is always blissful and who is present in all forms;

Who is full with all perfection, who is ever young and who is all-knowing; Salutations, salutations to Her.



yogānārya umādevyai yogānande namo namaḥ |

divyajñāna trinetrāyai divyamūrtyai namo namaḥ ||13||


Salutations to Her, who is the master of Yoga, who is Uma Devi and who is the bliss of Yoga;

Who is the embodiment of divine knowledge, with three eyes and a divine form; Salutations, salutations to Her.



ardhacandrajaṭādhāri candrabimbe namo namaḥ |

candrādityajaṭādhāri candrabimbe namo namaḥ ||14||


Salutations to Her, who has the half-moon on her curly hair and whose face shines like the moon;

Who wears the sun and the moon on her curly hair and whose face shines like the moon; Salutations, salutations to Her.



aṇurūpe mahārūpe viśvarūpe namo namaḥ |

aṇimādyaṣṭasiddhyāyai ānandāyai namo namaḥ ||15||


Salutations to Sarasvati, who is present in minute forms and in huge forms, as well as in the infinite form of the universe;

Who has the Eight Siddhis (Aṇimā: reducing one's body to the size of an atom; Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size; Garima: becoming infinitely heavy; Laghima: becoming almost weightless; Prāpti: having unrestricted access to all places; Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires; Iṣṭva: possessing absolute lordship; Vaśtva: the power to subjugate all) and who bestows happiness to all; Salutations, salutations to Her.



jñānavijñānarūpāyai jñānamūrte namo namaḥ |

nānāśāstrasvarūpāyai nānārūpe namo namaḥ ||16||


Salutations to Her, who is present in the form of wisdom and science, and who is the personification of knowledge;

Who is present as the essence of different scriptures and who has various forms; Salutations, salutations to Her.



padmadā padmavaṃśā ca padmarūpe namo namaḥ |

parameṣṭhyai parāmūrtyai namaste pāpanāśini ||17||


Salutations to Her, who gives the pure lotus, who is from the pure family of lotus and who is of the form of lotus;

Who is the supreme and has a divine form. Salutations to the destroyer of sins.



mahādevyai mahākālyai mahālakṣmyai namo namaḥ |

brahmaviṣṇuśivāyai ca brahmanāryai namo namaḥ ||18||


Salutations to Her, who is Mahadevi (the Great Goddess), who is Mahakali and who is Mahalakshmi;

Who is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and who is the consort of Brahma; Salutations, Salutations to Her.



kamalākarapuṣpā ca kāmarūpe namo namaḥ |

kapāli karmadīptāyai karmadāyai namo namaḥ ||19||


Salutations to Her, who is the lotus flower, and whose form can fulfill any wish.

Who is the receiver of oblations, who shines with the oblations of activities, and who is also the energy behind those activities; Salutations, Salutations to Her.



sāyaṃ prātaḥ paṭhennityaṃ ṣaṇmāsāt siddhirucyate |

coravyāghrabhayaṃ nāsti paṭhatāṃ śṛṇvatāmapi ||20||


He who reads with devotion this stotra in the morning and evening for six months will achieve spiritual powers.

He who reads or listens this stotra will not have the fear of thieves or tigers.



itthaṃ sarasvatīstotram agastyamunivācakam |

sarvasiddhikaraṃ nṝṇāṃ sarvapāpapraṇāśaṇam ||21||


This prayer to Sarasvati which is written by sage Agastya gives all powers and destroys all sins.



iti śrī agastyamuniproktaṃ sarasvatīstotraṃ sampūrṇam ||


Thus ends the Sarasvati Stotram composed by Sage Agastya.


Italian version




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