Tripurasundari Ashtakam
By Adi Shankara Bhagavat Pada
॥ अथ त्रिपुरसुन्दरि अष्टकम्॥
कदम्बवनचारिणीं मुनिकदम्बकादम्बिनीं
नितम्बजितभूधरां सुरनितम्बिनीसेविताम् ।
नवाम्बुरुहलोचनां अभिनवाम्बुदश्यामलां
त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ १॥
कदम्बवनवासिनीं कनकवल्लकीधारिणीं
महार्हमणिहारिणीं मुखसमुल्लसद्वारुणीम् ।
दयाविभवकारिणीं विशदलोचनीं चारिणीं
त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ २॥
कदम्बवनशालया कुचमरोल्लसन्मालया
कुचोपमितशैलया गुरुकृपालसद्वेलया ।
मदारुणकपोलया मधुरगीतवाचालया
कयाऽपि घननीलया कवचिता वयं लीलया ॥ ३॥
कदम्बवनमध्यगां कनकमण्डलोपस्थितां
षडम्बुरुहवासिनीं सततसिद्धसौदामिनीम् ।
विडम्बितजपारुचिं विकचचन्द्रचूडामणिं
त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ ४॥
कुचाञ्चितविपञ्चिकां कुटिलकुन्तलालंकृतां
कुशेशयनिवासिनीं कुटिलचित्तविद्वेषिणीम् ।
मदारुणविलोचनां मनसिजारिसंमोहिनीं
मतङ्गमुनिकन्यकां मधुरभाषिणीमाश्रये ॥ ५॥
स्मरप्रथमपुष्पिणीं रुधिरबिन्दुनीलाम्बरां
गृहीतमधुपात्रिकां मदविढणर्नेत्राञ्चलाम् ।
घनस्तनभरोन्नतां गलितचूलिकां श्यामलां
त्रिलोचनकुटुम्बिनीं त्रिपुरसुन्दरीमाश्रये ॥ ६॥
सकुङ्कुमविलेपनां अलकचुम्बिकस्तूरिकां
समन्दहसितेक्षणां सशरचापपाशाङ्कुशाम् ।
अशेषजनमोहिनीं अरुणमाल्यभूषाम्बरां
जपाकुसुमभासुरां जपविधौ स्मराम्यम्बिकां ॥ ७॥
पुरन्दरपुरंध्रिकां चिकुरबन्धसैरंध्रिकां
पितामहपतिव्रतां पटपटीरचर्चारताम् ।
मुकुन्दरमणीमणीं लसदलङ्क्रियाकारिणीं
भजामि भुवनांबिकां सुरवधूटिकाचेटिकाम् ॥ ८॥
॥ इति त्रिपुरसुन्दरि अष्टकम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥
|| atha tripurasundari aṣṭakam||
kadambavanacāriṇīṃ munikadambakādambinīṃ
nitambajitabhūdharāṃ suranitambinīsevitām |
navāmburuhalocanāṃ abhinavāmbudaśyāmalāṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 1||
kadambavanavāsinīṃ kanakavallakīdhāriṇīṃ
mahārhamaṇihāriṇīṃ mukhasamullasadvāruṇīm |
dayāvibhavakāriṇīṃ viśadalocanīṃ cāriṇīṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 2||
kadambavanaśālayā kucamarollasanmālayā
kucopamitaśailayā gurukṛpālasadvelayā |
madāruṇakapolayā madhuragītavācālayā
kayā'pi ghananīlayā kavacitā vayaṃ līlayā || 3||
kadambavanamadhyagāṃ kanakamaṇḍalopasthitāṃ
ṣaḍamburuhavāsinīṃ satatasiddhasaudāminīm |
viḍambitajapāruciṃ vikacacandracūḍāmaṇiṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 4||
kucāñcitavipañcikāṃ kuṭilakuntalālaṃkṛtāṃ
kuśeśayanivāsinīṃ kuṭilacittavidveṣiṇīm |
madāruṇavilocanāṃ manasijārisaṃmohinīṃ
mataṅgamunikanyakāṃ madhurabhāṣiṇīmāśraye || 5||
smaraprathamapuṣpiṇīṃ rudhirabindunīlāmbarāṃ
gṛhītamadhupātrikāṃ madaviḍhaṇarnetrāñcalām |
ghanastanabharonnatāṃ galitacūlikāṃ śyāmalāṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 6||
sakuṅkumavilepanāṃ alakacumbikastūrikāṃ
samandahasitekṣaṇāṃ saśaracāpapāśāṅkuśām |
aśeṣajanamohinīṃ aruṇamālyabhūṣāmbarāṃ
japākusumabhāsurāṃ japavidhau smarāmyambikāṃ || 7||
purandarapuraṃdhrikāṃ cikurabandhasairaṃdhrikāṃ
pitāmahapativratāṃ paṭapaṭīracarcāratām |
mukundaramaṇīmaṇīṃ lasadalaṅkriyākāriṇīṃ
bhajāmi bhuvanāṃbikāṃ suravadhūṭikāceṭikām || 8||
|| iti tripurasundari aṣṭakam sampūrṇam ||
kadambavanacāriṇīṃ munikadambakādambinīṃ
nitambajitabhūdharāṃ suranitambinīsevitām |
navāmburuhalocanāṃ abhinavāmbudaśyāmalāṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 1||
I pay homage to Tripura Sundari, beauty of the three worlds, who wanders in the forest of Kadamba trees and who is like a cloud full of water that quenches the spiritual thirst of the wise.
She whose hips stand out over the mountains and who is served by celestial bridesmaids.
The one whose eyes resemble a newly blossomed lotus and her dark complexion resembles a thundercloud.
I seek refuge in Tripura Sundari, consort of the three-eyed God (Shiva).
kadambavanavāsinīṃ kanakavallakīdhāriṇīṃ
mahārhamaṇihāriṇīṃ mukhasamullasadvāruṇīm |
dayāvibhavakāriṇīṃ viśadalocanīṃ cāriṇīṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 2||
I pay homage to Tripura Sundari, who wanders in the forest of Kadamba trees and who holds a Veena made of gold.
Who wears a garland of precious gems and whose face glows with ambrosia.
Who has extraordinarily beautiful eyes and who in his mercy grants prosperity.
I seek refuge in Tripura Sundari, consort of the three-eyed God.
kadambavanaśālayā kucamarollasanmālayā
kucopamitaśailayā gurukṛpālasadvelayā |
madāruṇakapolayā madhuragītavācālayā
kayā'pi ghananīlayā kavacitā vayaṃ līlayā || 3||
Oh Goddess who dwells in the forest of Kadamba (the whole universe), we are all protected by the grace of Your play, by the garland that adorns Your large breasts, by Your breast that rivals the mountains (She is the Cosmic Mother who feeds the world); From Your blushed cheeks, Your melodious voice and Your dark blue body like clouds.
kadambavanamadhyagāṃ kanakamaṇḍalopasthitāṃ
ṣaḍamburuhavāsinīṃ satatasiddhasaudāminīm |
viḍambitajapāruciṃ vikacacandracūḍāmaṇiṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 4||
I pay homage to Tripura Sundari, who dwells in the middle of the Kadamba forest, sitting on the golden disc located on six lotus flowers. Light of the seers.
She is as beautiful as the fully blossomed hibiscus flower and wears the crescent moon as a headdress.
I seek refuge in Tripura Sundari, consort of the three-eyed God.
kucāñcitavipañcikāṃ kuṭilakuntalālaṃkṛtāṃ
kuśeśayanivāsinīṃ kuṭilacittavidveṣiṇīm |
madāruṇavilocanāṃ manasijārisaṃmohinīṃ
mataṅgamunikanyakāṃ madhurabhāṣiṇīmāśraye || 5||
I seek refuge in Tripura Sundari, daughter of the sage Matanga, who holds the Veena to her chest, is adorned with curly hair and speaks softly.
Who resides in the lotus (Sahasrara chakra) and despises the wicked.
Who has red eyes due to her enthusiasm and attracts the destroyer of the god of love (Shiva).
smaraprathamapuṣpiṇīṃ rudhirabindunīlāmbarāṃ
gṛhītamadhupātrikāṃ madaviḍhaṇarnetrāñcalām |
ghanastanabharonnatāṃ galitacūlikāṃ śyāmalāṃ
trilocanakuṭumbinīṃ tripurasundarīmāśraye || 6||
I pay homage to Tripura Sundari, who holds the first floral arrow of the god of love in her hand and is dressed in blue garments flecked with red.
Who holds a cup of wine and has intoxicated eyes.
Who has tall heavy breasts, who is the swarthy one and has disheveled hair.
I seek refuge in Tripura Sundari, consort of the three-eyed God.
sakuṅkumavilepanāṃ alakacumbikastūrikāṃ
samandahasitekṣaṇāṃ saśaracāpapāśāṅkuśām |
aśeṣajanamohinīṃ aruṇamālyabhūṣāmbarāṃ
japākusumabhāsurāṃ japavidhau smarāmyambikāṃ || 7||
I think of Mother Ambika during meditation, whose body is smeared with vermilion and whose tresses smell of musk. Soft and smiling, with arrows, bow, noose and a goad in her hands. She dressed in red and embellished with hibiscus flowers. She enchants all creatures.
purandarapuraṃdhrikāṃ cikurabandhasairaṃdhrikāṃ
pitāmahapativratāṃ paṭapaṭīracarcāratām |
mukundaramaṇīmaṇīṃ lasadalaṅkriyākāriṇīṃ
bhajāmi bhuvanāṃbikāṃ suravadhūṭikāceṭikām || 8||
My salutations to the world ruler, who has Indra's bride (Indrani) to fix her braids of hair, Brahma's wife (Sarasvati) to apply sandal pastes, Vishnu's bride (Mukunda) to adorn her with precious gems and is served by heavenly bridesmaids.
My salutations to the Mother of the world.
(Translated by Govinda Das Aghori)