The Aghoris are one of the principal Indian traditions and the most extreme and fascinating form of the Tantra. Dattatreya, a divinity that includes the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, are considered to be the founder of this school.
The sanscrit term Aghora is the combination among two words and has various
meanings: A is a negation; Ghora is the obscurity of the ignorance, but it also
means intense, deep; Aghora therefore means Light, absence of obscurity,
awareness, but it also symbolizes a style of life where a person of the Aghori
tradition doesn't have intense or deep feelings, it doesn't make difference
among the various feelings, seems to be indifferent to the various stories of
the life.
Aghora is also a path (Sadhana) within Tantrism.
I would say that we could simply define an aghori as the one who follows the path of the Aghora. A path of evolution and spiritual realization that starts from the most animalistic, grossest aspects of the human being and stage after stage evolves into what can be called a liberated soul. From Pashu (Animal) to Vīra (Hero), to Dīvya (Divine), to Bāla (Child), Unmatta (Crazy), Pīshacha (spirit) and Avadhut synonymous with Ascetic, Renunciate, of one who has gone beyond one's feelings and worldly obligations, which went beyond all that is pure or impure, beyond all duality and differentiation. The Avadhut is the One who sees the One in everything.
The procedures of these Sadhanas are secret (Gupta) and personal, handed down only from Guru to disciple, without the loving guidance of the Guru they can become very dangerous for one's mental health. In Vamachara tantra we walk a razor's edge, it is a direct and straight path, but a small mistake can prove to be fatal.
It is said that Aghoris drink liqueurs, smoke
ganja, eat meat (in some rites also human meat); they
use a human skull as a bowl, they wander among the funeral pyres, meditate at
night and don't have any sex inhibition. This path seems to be detached
completely from hinduist philosophies and it deceives the true nature of this
little known reality in the indian sadhus (ascetics) panorama.
The ritual practices
of the Aghori
are symbols of their
non-dualistic beliefs.
The corpse upon
which they meditate is a
symbol of their own body and
transcendence of the lower self
and realization of the Supreme Self.
They are also known for their knowledge of magic arts; many people believe they
owns magic powers and it is not difficult to hear histories of miraculous
recoveries. Among the people, the word Aghori always arouses a mixture between
respect and suspect; anyway they also have many devotees among the various
religion present in India. Together with an Aghori you can easily found hindus,
sicks, muslims, jains, Christians or other.
In reality when we are together with these sadhus seems to be in front of a
mystical crazy person, The Fool of the tarots,
all the rational thoughts seem to fade away for leaving place to an intense
spiritual experience, over every duality.
The death's theme, so recurrent among the Aghoris, constantly remembers us our
mortality but it is also a challenge to transcend the duality between life and
death. Breaking every mental scheme, going over every taboo makes aware of the
illusion of this world and becomes a path toward the liberation (moksha), the
realization of the itself with the absolute one. Also the conventional Hindu
distinction among pure and impure for the Aghoris is an illusion.
The site proposes to spread and to let know the Aghori culture too often
misunderstood and stigmatized as one dark "sect". It doesn't absolutely want to
make proselytism in accord with the conviction that any religion is pure
illusion, fruit of mental conjectures and that in sum it estranges the man from
the native spiritual message.
There are those
who worship the God of the High Heavens.
There are those who worship God in a statue or in an image.
There are those who worship the formless God.
There are those who worship God in their own hearts.
There are those who believe that God is the mind.
The Aghoris
worship God in their body or in the body of the others.
Because "I am God", Aham Brahmasmi.
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